Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Eye Glass Repair

Mom buys lots of cheap seeing glasses.
She has a pair just about everywhere - for convenience.
In her car, in the bathroom, in a jacket pocket.
They help her see close up.

She has been using these non-prescription glass for some time.
At least two or three years now, I believe.

The last time I visited her, I was sent home with some.
You see, Mom struggles with eye glass repair.
(remember, she needs aided for seeing close up)

Being cheep and everywhere makes damage just around the corner.
Some of the ones I brought home simply needed new hinge screws.
Others were smashed or stripped or sliced beyond repair.

I had just the visual acuity and mini-tool set to do this job justice.
It feels good to do work for someone you love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you were able to fix my glasses. I was feeling an urge to read your post- glad I did.