Sunday, April 25, 2010

pacific and howe 2010

i havent played this song in a very long time.

i wrote it when i first moved to canada.

tonight i recorded that song again.
i didn't listen to the original before recording tonight.
this recording is from memory.
in fact:
i haven't heard it since soon after it was first recorded.

you see,
i write new songs regularly.
i never really raise them into adulthood.

they are like sticky notes.

am i forgetting where i've come from?
(by not practicing promising songs)
perhaps - but not necessarily.
skills become instincts.

but - i had to read the lyrics while i played tonight.
i had forgotten how the song went!
clearly, my new version is ...different...

reading lyrics while keeping time on guitar:
a skill i've gained!

unfortunately, it seems my memory has faded.
this is mostly evident in my guitar's timing.

i really had a nice strum back then!
its interesting to see what time has turned it into.
I just haven't played that song much at all.

SO, HERE IS my new recording - without hearing my own song in years.
noW it seems my guitar playing is rigidly uninspired.
however, my vocal talent has improved..
..while losing purity.

most of the songs i write are like timestamps:
i only really play them for a few weeks or months.
perhaps this is true with all musicians?

however, a few carry on and become real.

this old recording gives me faith.
and new direction:
back in time, sideways, and into the future!

im glad that i constantly write new songs.
that way i don't get hung up trying to make things work.

I must remember:

potential gets lost in time without polish.

determination and persistence will pay off!

coming soon!


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