Monday, April 5, 2010

April 1st 2010

ANDY --> "Hey, I'm wearing my invisible pants today!"

KIRK --> "uhhhhh...?"

ANDY --> "April Fools! I'm not wearing any pants at all!"


that conversation played out over and over last thursday.
except, of course, i had it with everyone i work with.
bobby wilson suggested the idea to me on March 31st.
i got so excited - i had to go through with it.
i decided not to wear pants to work.

when i left my house that fateful april fool's morning..
..i wasn't wearing any pants.

of course, i saw my neighbor from my floor, 3 apartments down.
he happened to be waiting for the elevator when i got out.
of course, out of the whole building, someone from my floor..
..anyways, i said "HEY DID YOU SEE THE DONKEY!?!?"

he was like.. "what donkey?!" all interested and such.
i said "yeah, theres a donkey out front! APRIL FOOLS! im not wearing any pants."

then i left for work.

it was great.

i got anxious and decided i might upset my colleagues without pants.
so even though i drove to work in my boxer shorts..
..i put on my pants in the parking garage.

luckily, i saw my art director, Kirk, right as i got in.
i told him the donkey joke, then what i WAS going to do.
he said, oh man, you gotta do it, Andy!
so i took my pants off, right then and there.
i didn't even put them on for lunch, as seen in the pictures above.

i am regretful for second guessing myself at first.
i am so thankful to have an encouraging and creative art director.
he got me to take my pants back off with a single sentence.

so, yeah, i didn't wear pants to work.
or to lunch.
or to the music store when i bought my capo after work.

it was.... ....great?

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